You know you are strong
You believe you can handle it
Like a spiritual warrior
You say - Bring it on
And as it keeps coming
You fight with all your might
Refusing to give up
In the face of any adversity
You get knocked down
But you pick yourself back up
You push past the pain
And do what needs to be done
Whatever it takes
You get bruised and battered
You move forward anyway
Carrying invisible battle scars
But what if you start feeling
Exhausted beyond words
What if your pain
Starts turning into numbness
What if the glory starts to fade
What if instead of finding your way
You start losing yourself
What if the voices in your head
Become too loud to ignore
Or the silence becomes deafening
What if you feel like screaming
But you find that you have no voice
And you start to wonder
If you are a ticking time bomb
Just waiting to explode
At an unknown time
It occurs to you that you are
Paying the price of resilience
Your strength comes at a cost
Which you pay with
Every fibre of your being
And you take every blow
While you already know
That it doesn't hurt any less
Just because you are strong
But life isn't meant to be a war
It's meant to be a gift
So every now and then
Pause and step back
And replenish your reserves
Of love, strength and courage
Slow down, take it easy,
Give yourself grace
Allow yourself to just "be"
Create moments of wonder
Cultivate love and joy
Nourish your soul
Indulge a little
Smell the roses
Bask in the sun
Let someone share your burden
And take care of you
Because while you fight
Like a valiant soldier
You must also remember
It's not just about surviving
It's also about healing and thriving
And giving yourself the chance
To experience and savour this
Beautiful journey of life...
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